Why The Smartest People Approach Life with a Beginner's Mind
Photo credit: Annie Spratt via Unsplash
January is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. So, it's a perfect time to talk about beginner's mind. Having a beginner's mind sets the stage for everything else that comes your way.
It wasn't until I found my spiritual path that I heard about beginner's mind. It was 2012, and I was going through a divorce. I had just moved back to New York City from the Midwest, two weeks before Hurricane Sandy hit. I was new to spiritual growth, and I eager to learn more.
I signed up for all these spiritual growth workshops around Manhattan. When you entered these healing centers, you are welcomed with the scent of incense or essential oils that instantly puts your mind at ease. Many times the rooms are dimly lit, and candles adorn the room. It feels warm and inviting. You grab a seat cushion and settle in on the floor, ready to take in the wisdom of the teacher. The first thing they ask when class begins is that you leave everything you know at the door and open your mind. They don't assume that just because you are there to learn, you will accept the lessons. Our egos have a way of dismissing and resisting anything that contradicts its beliefs. Shhh, don't tell ego, but it's the very reason why were are there is to dispel all of the false beliefs egos picked up along the way. Such as how forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts. Ego would rather stay in unforgiveness because it feels safer that way. The gift of forgiveness is definitely a blog I will write about another day.
But, just this simple statement relaxes ego's overprotective defense system. "Oh, okay, sure, I can be open to learning something new? This seems like a safe place." Although, sometimes skeptics show up and want you to prove to them that there's something to get out of it. In an effort to be wiser, they wind up only harming themselves.
I began realizing that we live in a society where most people believe education ends once we graduate. Yet, most of what I was learning in these workshops blew my mind and wasn't even taught in school. It made me wonder why? Though now, more schools are teaching mindfulness than they were in 2012. Mindfulness is the practice of being in the present and being the observer of your thoughts, without judgment, as they come and go. So you become in control of your thoughts instead of them being in control of you.
We also live in a society that conditions us to be competitive. That competition leads to comparison. Am I doing better than other people? Are other people doing better than me? Our ego, which I liken to the defensive wounded child in us, is so insecure and afraid of looking bad, it doesn't want to look foolish not knowing something? It doesn't help when you have other insecure wounded egos ready to one-up you and shame you if you don't know? It makes their ego feel better about themselves, so they feel like they are winning. The more defensive we are is an indication of how wounded that inner child is.
However, sitting in these aroma scented candlelit rooms is when things started to change. I mean, seriously change.
Beginner's mind taught me, when we know everything, we don't allow for anything new to come through. After all, how can you learn anything new when you know everything already? What a beginner's mind does is it creates space for something new and good to come through.
I also started becoming aware that the wisest people I know are always curious. They want to know more. And surprisingly, the smartest, most confident, and open people I know aren't ashamed of not knowing something. Instead, they ask more questions. We may not realize it at the time, but doesn't that make someone more interesting when they are engaged and become more curious and interested in what you are saying? Rather than the person who dismisses you and says, "Yeah, I know. I know, what you are going to say. I know all that," before you even get to say it? And most of the time, those are the people that don't know what you are talking about? Wise people are patient listeners. What blows my mind even more, is when you find out the wise, humble person you've been talking to already does know what you are talking about. Still, they're genuinely are interested in hearing your perspective or enjoy hearing you express yourself. Those people are such blessings in this world.
I also realized that the people who did know everything and didn't allow something new to come through, we're often unhappy.
I love that my 80-something mom gets so excited when she learns something new. She literally will celebrate! And says, "Today was a good day! I learned something new."
A Course in Miracles, one of my all-time favorite books and life guide, calls a "miracle," a shift in perception. I was not very happy when I heard that the first time. I was hoping the miracle would be manifesting a new soulmate. But when I experienced what a shift in perception could do for my attitude towards life, it was a game-changer. Now, all I want are shifts and transformation!
A shift in perception can take you from...
- Helpless...to hopeful
- I can't do it...to I can do it!
- I'm not enough...to I am worthy!
The list goes on...
It can help to add that peace, love, joy, and resilience to your life.
But it all starts with beginner's mind and how open you are.
So, I invite you if you are new to beginner's mind, the next time you catch yourself assuming you know something already, or "this is hokey stuff that doesn't work," to open and expand your mind and thinking, and see if you can learn something new. Be ready to start seeing more peace, love, joy, and true resilience in your life. Miracles!
Comment below how a beginner's mind has changed your life or if you are ready to try it this year.
Until next time Loves <3
Kat OM