Permission is a word that keeps coming up for me lately.

The Universe is always sending us messages and signs to guide us to help us succeed.

This word coming up made me wonder where in my life I was not giving myself permission?

In our society (and you if you continue to read my blogs, you will probably hear me say that a lot because we have SO much conditioning to undo in this world. Think of the world we live in as the world of opposite of what is true. We think this is reality, but we live in the illusion from what is real and true because we’ve been conditioned to believe this is real. Truth is we each create our own world, our own illusion based on how we’ve been conditioned, what we’ve experienced, and what we believe to be true, but I digress), in this society, for example, we live in a world where we believe we have to do what it takes to succeed and make in life. We work incredibly long hours to the point of exhaustion. Maybe you go home after work and take care of the kids.  Maybe you have a demanding job that doesn’t appreciate you and also makes you work insanely long hours just to keep up, just to prove your worth, and you just can’t do it anymore.

And you keep doing what you’re doing, the way you keep doing it because that’s how many of us have been conditioned. This is just the way life is, and I have to learn to suck it up and deal with it. 

Sometimes all we need is for someone to give us permission to say it’s okay....

It’s okay for a super mom to take time out for herself so she can be a better mom.

It’s okay to leave another job that’s sucking the life out of you, you have not failed, you are creating a better life for you.  

It’s okay not to be the best at something when you’re still learning.

It’s okay to take a short nap in the middle of the day because you’ll feel more energized (I love this one).

It’s okay not to feel okay, and try again tomorrow.

It’s okay to feel what I am feeling, to try to understand it, so I can learn what’s working for me and what’s not working for me so I can create more of the life I do want, and less of the life I don’t want.

For me, I think I needed to give myself permission that what I was doing was enough.

So many of us fall into this category, thinking we are not doing enough.

Instead, take a moment to look back to see how much you’ve done! And celebrate yourself.
Maybe you didn’t do it as fast or as perfect as some other people have done it (which is another illusion), but you did it! I bought myself a funky chunky tear dropped shaped mood ring. Remember those? Cool right?

It now serves as a reminder to give myself permission and to celebrate what I have accomplished.
And feel good about it. It’s doesn’t have to be jewelry, you could celebrate yourself with gelato or a green smoothie.

And remember Gary Vee says, “Life is a marathon, not a race.”

So, what are you going to give yourself permission today?

 Sat Nam and Namaste Loves <3

Until next time,


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