The Dangers of a 7-Figure Mindset If You Aren’t Aware of it Can Lead to Depression
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I was on YouTube the other day. As a solopreneur I like to watch videos on investments, therefore YouTube’s algorithm likes to suggest videos on wealth and growth to keep me watching.
So now I’m bombarded with videos on “How to Make 7 figures” and “How to make a million dollars a year.”
As a life coach, the number of these 7 figure videos on the platform concerns me. These influencers watch each other, and as soon as they see a trend, they jump on it. So now the trend these influencers are pushing now is how to make 7 figures because making 6 figures or being a millionaire is no longer enough. You have to be a multi-millionaire making a million dollars monthly.
Image created by author, Kat OM
Why is this concerning to me as a life coach? Maybe you get it already. These influencers are reinforcing greed and hustle culture. If you’re in your 40s or 50s you already know it can leads to stress, depression, and burnout. And in some cases even bankruptcy and jail. But we 40–50-somethings know, so these videos are targeted at the unsuspecting 20–30-somethings.
We already know in our 40s and 50s from our own experiences and have heard from those who have reached fame and fortune and reported back to say that it’s not where you will find your happiness. America’s beloved Anthony Bourdain, Robin Williams, and Kate Spade are testaments to that. Some people may say, “But they suffered from mental illness.” But take a look at Jim Carrey, who tells the story of how he manifested his success, fame, and fortune, only to say in a commencement speech that went viral, “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.”
The problem isn’t the wealth. The problem is that these influencers are hustlers who prey on people and tell them this is the lifestyle they need to be happy and successful so they can profit from them and become multi-millionaire themselves. However, the majority of people who get sucked into watching their videos and buying their products won’t make it. And wonder what’s wrong with them? What are they doing wrong?
They’re not doing anything wrong. They got sold a bunch of BS. It breeds unnecessary and unrealistic goals. And when humans are stressed, desperate, and insecure, they can do crazy things like start cheating friends and family, and other unsuspecting people out of money, so they can live out their dream and give the appearance of having the glam life. The few who do make it aren’t that happy either because they usually trade a lot important values, including time with family and friends, for wealth, superficiality, and materialism.
Instagram is an excellent way to make you feel like you got short-changed in life. But many of these influencers are creating a fantasy to make their lives look better than it actually is. I’m not a fan of dragging others down to feel better about myself. But no one’s life is perfect. So when someone is only showing their highlight reel or faking their highlight reel to make their life look more perfect and exciting than it really is, don’t fall for it. Especially, these influencers who go to New York City, London, or Paris, or some exotic location to look the part. Then have a series of professional photos taken on location, then go back home and periodically post photos from that photo shoot on Instagram to look like they are still living in that city to maintain their image.
I know some of these YouTubers are legit. They genuinely want to help their followers reach financial independence or wealth. I personally enjoy watching Graham Stephan. He gives good, sound, responsible advice on investments. He’s upfront with his followers, even though some don’t like to hear it. That the reality of the path to wealth isn’t Prada, Porches, and Dom Pérignon. It takes a lot of hard work, staying at home, saving and investing at first.
I know people who have what looks like a dream life, but aren’t happy. And I have friends who have what looks like an ordinary life but are very happy.
It’s not that you don’t deserve more, but more is not going to make you happier if you’re not happy with what you have already.
If you have a roof over your head, running water, a comfy bed to rest your head, and healthy food to eat―you are already among the wealthiest people in the world. If you don’t realize that, take a look at all of the people risking their lives every day trying to cross our borders here in America. It’s heartbreaking.
If you don’t already feel incredibly blessed for having these things, more will not make you happier because as soon as you achieve it, like Super Mario Bros, there will always be another level of more you will have to achieve. There will always be someone richer than you. When you get sucked onto the “more” train, it’s never enough.
More also breeds people who are greedier and selfish. In order to have more, they have to keep more for themselves. While the happiest people are those, who make a good living, and give back to their communities and help other people rise. Not the ones who make more money and buy bigger houses and more for themselves. But if you are a multi-millionaire and you have balanced having more, giving more (helping others), and appreciating all that you have, then that is success. In this equation happiness is success at any income level.
However, if you haven’t attainted wealth. It’s not that you’re not worthy or that money is bad. But to remember to stay grateful and appreciate everything you already have every step of the way wherever your path may lead. Know you are not without anything. Don’t let them fool you into believing you need material things to be happy. Strive to be happy, and happiness is what you will find.
A growth mindset can be great, but be sure to balance it out with a gratitude and service mindset. Start appreciating and loving everything you have every day. The people in your life, your health, even the dark days can teach you that you have so much to be grateful for. With practice you won’t feel like you need more and more to make you happy because you’ll feel abundant already.
Fancy cars and designer clothes don’t define you or your worth, only you can. Everything else is gravy.
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Kat OM is the author of Resilient Love: Turn Your Wounds into Your Wings, blogger, and Spiritual Mindset Resilience Coach. Kat helps her readers and clients find healing through self-love, spirituality, and mindfulness tools to add more peace, joy, and resilience in their lives. You can find Kat OM at: | IG: | FB: katOM30