4 Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving with Gratitude and Feel More Abundant Immediately
Photo credit: Aleksandar Nakic via Canva
I don’t know about you? But I love Thanksgiving. So many people like to go from Halloween to straight to Christmas. But I’m someone who loves all of the holidays. For me, Thanksgiving is a harvest festival. A time to show our gratitude for all of the bounty and abundance we have received. Even when things don’t seem to be going right or exactly as planned, there is still so much to be grateful for. The roof over your head, people who love you, and your health. We don’t realize how grateful we should be for these things until we lose them, so always be grateful.
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to remember all of the things we should be grateful for every day and sometime overlook with our busy lives.
This Thanksgiving here are four ways to celebrate the holiday with gratitude and start remembering all of the abundance in your life immediately:
1. Gratitude List
Write a list of all the things you are grateful for. No matter how big or small. You can do this starting today leading up to Thanksgiving. You can keep a running list. Include small and funny things. I include contact lenses. I put these plastic discs in my eyes and I can see! I also include beets on my list. I love beets, but I hate preparing them. They’re a bloody mess. So I am so grateful for people who make cooked beets. If you can’t, write them down. Take a walk and name all of the things you see that you are grateful for, the earth, the sky, the grass, tree, clouds, etc. Show your gratitude by smiling and saying “hi” to more people who you see on your path.
2. Thank Someone Who Made a Difference in Your Life
This is one of my favorite practices I’ve been doing the last 3 years. Pick 1–3 people (more if you choose) who have made an impact in your life in some way. Maybe they inspired you? Made you see something differently? Maybe they just made your day! And this person has no idea the impact they made on your life. How amazing would it be to shoot them a text or a D.M., or even send them a card, to let them know and make their day.
3. Ripples of Appreciation
This exercise is a little different than the last. With this one, you are telling the people in your life you appreciate them or just make them feel appreciated. This could be family, friends, co-workers, the postman, the coffee barista and make their day! When you make someone’s day, it has a ripple effect. They will be happier and spread that good energy out to others.
4. Gratitude Circle
This one is not new, but it’s a good one. On the Thanksgiving Day, before everyone eats. Go around the table and each person says one thing they are grateful for this Thanksgiving Day building the momentum of gratitude.
May you feel the abundance of the holiday this Thanksgiving ❤
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Kat OM is the author of Resilent Love, Blogger, and Resilient Mindset and Joy Coach based in New York City. Kat give her clients the tools they need to get out of their heads so they become more resilient in this world. https://www.katomlife.com/