Dear Holidays, I'm Not Breaking up with you, but I am Giving Myself Permission to Chill the F* Out and Have More Fun Instead
Photo credit: Alena Ozerova via Canva
Dear Holidays -
I love you holidays. I love your magic, your kindness, community, humanity, and all the peace, love, and joy you represent.
But, over the years, we humans have lost our way, turning you into a materialistic, consumeristic event. There’s so much pressure between the gifts, food, and decorations. All to give all the appearance of the idyllic perfect holidays. All of this on top of my already demanding job and my regular responsibilities, and sometimes, it’s just too much.
I know it’s not your fault. I realized I got all caught up in the illusions of perfection. So rather than break up with you holidays, I’ve decided I’m giving myself permission and give myself the gift of peace instead…
I’m giving myself permission to not send cards out unless it brings me joy.
I’m giving myself permission to pare down my gift list to shop less to bring myself more peace.
I’m giving myself permission to not have to be so creative every year. And send everyone an annual fruit basket or nut tray.
I’m giving others permission to remove me from their list and send me the same gifts and give them the gift of peace too.
I’m giving myself permission to let things go and not worry if they don’t get done.