These were a few lessons that came to me after sending you my article, "Is Perfection Blocking your Happiness?" If you missed it, you can read it here.
I had initially sent my article, "Is Perfection Blocking your Happiness?" to be published to a popular publication on Medium.com. And the editor rejected it. He said it was "Too fluffy." Not as deep as my other stories. Which is okay; I get that he's not going to love everything I send to him. He wished me luck and said, "I hope your story finds a good home." This was only the second time he rejected a story of mine. He's published way more than he has rejected, and I always appreciate his feedback. Feedback is different from criticism. Criticism is where someone is unleashing their opinions and disapproval on you. But good feedback is gold. Good feedback helps you to cultivate your craft.
So, I took my story and submitted it to another popular publication on Medium. And not only did this other publication publish it, but they also chose it as one of the best stories of the week!
When it was published, I was amazed by the comments that started coming in. One reader said, "As a perfectionist, this was exactly what I needed to hear." Another reader said, "I am such a people pleaser and perfectionist. In fact, it has lessened my quality of life. I definitely needed to read this and remind myself it's okay not to be perfect."
Moral of the Story: Don't let other people decide whether your work is good or bad. Not even editors, publishers, teachers, or experts in their field, etc. So much is based on personal preference. Remember, The Beatles and JK Rowling were both rejected before making it big.
Keep going. Keep doing what you love. Don't let minor things set you back. Not everyone is going to love your work. But don't let that stop you from sharing it. Because someone out there will love it. And that someone is waiting for you to share your work.
I remembered back in the day when I used to work in the corporate office for a large department store chain in their special events dept. I worked on fashion and beauty events, parades, and contests. Yes, it was a fun dream job where I had the incredible opportunity to work with popular fashion guru and T.V. show host Tim Gunn from Project Runway. He is as delightful off-camera as he is on camera. If you're familiar with Tim, you know he despises Capri-length pants. I love Capri-length pants. I think of Mary Tyler Moore as Laura Petrie on the Dick Van Dyke Show, and she looked fab in them. As well as legendary 60s fashion icon Audrey Hepburn.
I knew fans of Tim would start editing Capri pants out of their wardrobe. But I chose not to. I see this as more as Tim's personal preference. Not breaking a fashion rule. Though, personally, I think fashion rules are kind of silly. And I'm a rule follower. Fashion police even dropped the "No white after Labor Day" rule years ago. I continued my love for Capri pants. Still do. I just never wore them around Tim when we were working together.
Another example is, I recalled taking a writing course. The course recommended I read "On Writing" by Stephen King. I read it. It was a very good book. Stephen King is a masterful storyteller. He lists his top pet peeves in writing in his book. One is the word "cool." Stephen King hates the word "cool." And I knew right then and there that fans of his would do everything they could to omit the word "cool" now from their writing. But I have no problem with the word "cool." I see that as well as being a personal preference than a writing error. I don't find the word "cool" offensive, so I will continue to use the word "cool." Cool.
I adore Tim and Steve. And I will continue loving them. Their adamancy on their dislikes does not change my opinion about them. They are both exceptionally talented at what they do. But personally, I feel I have definite likes and dislikes too. The difference is I don't expect anybody to change for me.
Lastly, back in the day when I was working in P.R. on fashion and beauty accounts, one of my co-workers was reading the latest issue of "W" magazine. She exclaimed to the entire office, "Oh no, W says A-line skirts are out! I love my A-line skirts." I said, "Why would you stop wearing your favorite skirts just because a magazine says they are out?"
Moral of the story: Do you. Don't follow others when it comes to taste and personal preference. Not even experts. Do what you love. UBU.
Hope you enjoyed these musings! Let me know what you think?
Until next time Love!
~ Kat <3 xo
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Kat OM is the author of Resilient Love: Turn Your Wounds into Your Wings, blogger, and Spiritual Mindset Resilience Coach. Kat helps her readers and clients find healing through self-love, spirituality, and mindfulness tools to add more peace, joy, and resilience in their lives. You can find Kat OM at: KatOMLife.com | IG: kat.om.life_resilient.love | FB: katOM30