Empower Your LiFE
Life Got you down?
Tired of Being Resilient?
Positive Thinking Not Working?
You're definitely not alone.
And it's not your fault.
You're not doing it wrong.
If you're like most of us,
you were never taught how to be resilient.
Instead, you were taught to suck it up” or "just be positive."
And that was resilience.
But it doesn't work.
I don't have to tell you that. You already know.
That's why you're here looking for answers.
Wondering if there's another way?
You've come to the right place, because there is...
There’s actually a term for dismissing what's bothering you and always looking at the bright side,
it's called “toxic positivity."
It’s when someone ignores what you’re feeling by saying things like,
"Don't worry about it."
Without acknowledging how you feel.
Or you push yourself through it and pretend you're o.k. when you're not.
I tell my client’s Positive Thinking is like putting glitter on top of a piece of crap.
The crap is still there. It doesn't just go away because you made it look all pretty on the outside.
underneath is still some pretty heavy 💩
Ignoring it, actually makes things worse.
We're emotional, thinking and feeling, messy human beings.
We were meant to feel. That's why we have feelings.
Feelings are important because they contain a lot information.
They tell us when things are "ok" or "not okay."
When we don't pay attention to them, it's like ignoring your "check engine" light.
And that's when things start getting messy.
And you start feeling down and isolating yourself.
You start...
Binging on Netflix,
drinking wine,
eating greasy, fatty, salty and sugary foods,
indulge in retail therapy,
vent to your friends.
And you do this until you can't do it anymore.
Your feelings don’t go away just because you don’t want to feel them.
They stay in your body.
Causing you to crave sweets, carbs, salty, and fatty foods.
Which can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease.
I was you 10 years ago.
I was stressed out,
down on my knees looking for a better way.
Today, I am grateful to say, I found a better way.
It's not that positive thinking doesn't work,
It's that there are a lot of steps in between that are missing.
We also call this "spiritual bypassing" when you miss these steps.
What I learned was mind-blowing and life-changing.
Not only did I become more resilient,
but each time I came back better.
Like a video game, I up-leveled in life.
But what upset me was,
why did I have to wait until my 40s to learn this?
Why wasn't this taught in schools?
And how do you know to look for something you don't know
you should be looking for?
So, you can get rid of harmful beliefs that don't help like "suck it up,
and start applying tools to your life we should have learned as kids, that do work.
It both pains and frustrates me that these tools exist yet large portion of our society still aren't even aware they exist.
That's why it has become my passion and mission to get these tools to as many people I can.
My hope is that one day everyone is equipped with their own emotional resilience toolkit
they can access anytime to help them feel better.
Mindful Resilience are all the best practices and tools I learned through my training and certifications.
These are the same tools I use every day to help keep me resilient.
Mindful Resilience will not only help you to be more resilient,
it will also bring more peace, love, and joy into your life.
There is not a day that goes by I don't say, "I'm so grateful for these tools and practice."
When I am down it helps keep me afloat. When I am up, it helps bring more joy.
Joy is when you don't need external things to make you happy,
you are lit from within.
I am Kat OM, I am an author, blogger, certified life coach, and mindfulness teacher based in New York City.
I was trained by some of the best teachers and schools in the industry,
from New York Times Best Selling author, Gabrielle Bernstein,
the International Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC),
and the Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science in New York City.
As your personal mindfulness teacher and coach, I will help you squash your inner critic, clear your emotional clutter, give you lessons that will have you reaching for your tools instead of that pint of Ben and Jerry's. And help you build better relationships with yourself and others, and start living a better life.
If what I described sounded like you, it means you are not in control of your emotions, your emotions are in control of you, dragging you further down the rabbit hole. It's okay, I was there too. And as I told you, it's not your fault because you were never taught how to be resilient. Most of us weren't.
However, I am here to tell you, that you are more powerful than you realize. And up until now you have been giving away all your power and going further down that rabbit hole. I will teach you how to harness and claim that power. You will be amazed how so much in this program is the opposite of everything we have been taught. You will also wonder why all this was in front of you, but you never saw it that way before? You will have so many "ah-ha" moments.
In my signature program Mindful Resilience, I will give you 21 powerful tools and lessons. I call them my "freedom tools" because that's how they make me feel, free. These tools will help you get out of that rabbit hole spiral downwards by retraining your brain from disempowering thoughts to empowering ones. When you have empowering thoughts, you feel more inspired, and you have more energy to move through life. I will not only give you tools on how to not go down the rabbit hole, I will also help you build a strong foundation that will help you maintain your resiliency.
Life is never going to be perfect which is why you need these tools to help you get through the ups and downs of life and back on course again. It's not that we won't ever have bad days, it's how get through them and bounce back even better.
Mindful Resilience is for you if you're tired of being resilient and looking for a better way.
You're the giver in your life. You do everything for everyone and you want to reclaim you and your time.
You worry too much about what other people think of you.
You have a tendency to overthink.
You have mild anxiety.
You're interested in learning more about personal and spiritual growth and how it can change your life.
You're open to new concepts and ideas.
You want to feel less stress and have more peace.
You want to feel happy again.
You have a few ups and downs. You overall have a good attitude about life, but you want to expand it.
You're ready for change in your life.
People who want change in their lives but aren't willing to do the work to make their lives better.
You often find yourself blaming others and aren't ready to take responsibility for your life.
You're not into personal or spiritual growth and development.
You're not open to new concepts and ideas.
You start programs but you don't finish them.
Mindful Resilience can be life-changing for some people who thought they needed therapy.
However, Mindful Resilience does not replace therapy when therapy is needed.
Mindful Resilience is a program that combines lessons on mindfulness practices and coaching.
Here is what you will receive when you sign up:
- 5 customized private sessions with me via Zoom or by phone (groups will be available at a later date)
(Four (4)-60 min sessions, plus a 45 min bonus session) = 5 sessions total.
Each session includes 4-5 life-changing tools and lessons that you can immediately apply to your life each week and throughout your life to create the biggest change.
Mindful Resilience is
valued at: $800
The average private coaching or therapy session is $200 per session
that can take months or years to get results.
The cost for 5-weeks of Mindful Resilience
is only a $499 investment!
For 21 Life-Changing Tools and Lessons.
And immediate results!
Special Offer for Teachers!
You teach the future of our world. I want to help support you.
If you are a public-school teacher, mention it upon sign-up
and receive $100 off the program!
Only $399
~ Gift Certificates Available ~
Here is my guarantee, sign up and if after the first session you feel Mindful Resilience is not for you,
I will refund your money 100%
(No refunds for sessions thereafter)
To Register:
Call: 917-943-0531
Email: KatOMLife@gmail.com
And say, "Yes! I want to learn how to become more mindfully resilient now
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